8:30 pm, $12 tickets

Tickets available at
Man Man have been understatedly described by NPR as "quirky and mischievous... often with old-world instrumentation and plenty of theatrics." The pre-eminent online music publication more extravagantly enthuses, "Man Man's power isn't derived from the genres they stumble across, or the maniac light in their eyes, or the sweat pooling in their beards. It's the unbearable sadness in their marrow and how they transform it, like the existentially distressed but heroically steadfast men men they are, into a terrible and lionhearted joy."
Joining Man Man for this show will be the local talents The Horns of Happiness off the local mini-behemoth Secretly Canadian. This fuzzed-out and hypnotizing psychedelic duo will be joined by a full band to cant wildly and possibly blow into ecstatic horns, special guests to include: Peter King (Uno Moss, Impossible Shapes), Mark Rice (Magnolia Electric Co., The Coke Dares), Chris Barth (Norman Oak, and moderately manic--sometimes maniacal--and always magickal mischief)
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